Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Back to Detroit, Back to Myself

Six years have passed since I last posted in Pakistan.  Or to be precise since I last posted then removed the posts.  I remember having terrifying thoughts that my posts would be found by one of the rogue terrorist groups that I read about in the newspapers every morning over breakfast.  I imagined that they would come find me in my guesthouse and find some creative way to do what terrorists do-cause terror.  In hindsight it seems laughable but the reality of terror is unpredictable.  

I recall leaving the country with both relief and a deep yearning to return as quickly as possible. Something captured my heart about the people of Pakistan-I felt the safest I had ever felt while being in a notoriously dangerous country.  Poetically, six years has passed but not much has changed.  I live in Detroit (the city, not the suburbs!), a notoriously dangerous city, and am surrounded by a community of very safe people in my apartment building.

In between Pakistan and Detroit, I lived life.  

It seems fitting to end this journey back where I started, but somewhere completely new.  And that somewhere is me.  

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